I have a new addiction. It's a dessert named Magnolia, named after the Magnolia Bakery. This is the kind of food you better don't reproduce at home in order to consume it in controlled amounts ;)
You can find it in Berlin's most crowded food-and-drink-mile around Boxhagener Platz at Factory Girl café.
It is declared as a modification of Magnolia's pudding: vanilla pudding with mascarpone, eggs and variable sweets. Creamy with some texture, it is not too sweet and comes close to Tiramisu. The presentation would be probably more appealing by serving the pudding in an extra-glass but fancy it is.
The café owner adores the cupcakes from the New York bakery but did not want to rival Cupcake Berlin on the opposite side of the street. So she recreated this dessert. The surrounding was cozy and the waiter (Hussein - fluent in Turkish) generous with extra wine and sample bites.Factory Girl,
Krossenerstr. 16,
everyday 11 am - 8 pm.

Since I started reading food blogs and contemplating food (probably too much) food gifts have become high in rank in the permanent wish list. No matter if plain ingredient, store-bought food or homemade gift - I find them all adorable :).
A privilege of this time of general mobility, you can gather produce from around the globe that dear friends bring as souvenirs. As suitcase space is usually scanty these far shipped gifts are the most appreciated treasures in my pantry. At the moment it features exquisite coffee from Colombia (thanks Anne!), Gyokuro and Matcha tea from Japan (thanks Henning & Su Hyeon!), dark orange chocolate from Switzerland (thanks Anne-Loyse!) and light maple syrup from Quebec (thanks Marlen!).
This beautiful confectionary called Lokum or Turkish delight is the latest acquisition that was a gift from my friend Selin from Istanbul: hazelnuts bound by a gel of cornstarch and sugar and coated with dark chocolate. It has a chewy, marshmallowish consistency with a little to bite. A perfect accompaniment for a strong coffee. Thanks to Selin I have already tasted the plain uncoated version years ago, partly colored with mint and rosewater. With a slight preference for the plain white ones I deeply adore them all.
Now, who can get me some clotted cream for a batch of strawberry scones? Any volunteers?? ;)