Wednesday, July 13, 2011

favorite links

Without context let me throw in some of my revolutionary finds in the www :)

1. Rare touching historical photographs of Koreans. Rare because they belong to the Cornell University Library. Touching because these people before the industrialization era (for Koreans that was only 100 years ago) look so innocent, vulnerable and still jauntily.

You can find personal captures here together with more sources. (Btw altough its name indicates a different cuisine missboulette is one of the finest Korean food and culture readings out there, check it out!).

2. Any idea, where and how I can get to see the episodes of Kimchi chronicles? I am desperate to see Hugh Jackman's kitchen and watch him cooking Kimchi. I really am.

3. I have a dream dish that after a lazy summer at the cooking front, I will make true. Promise.

4. Ms Maangchi, the Youtube cooking star with a big sense of humour, will be on a global tour beginning this fall. If you want to learn Korean cooking from her in person, sign up now. She is from Busan, where my family comes from as well and maybe that's why I totally agree with her recipes.

1 comment:

  1. Danke für die lieben Worte und Danke, dass Du mich auf Kimchi Chronicles gebracht hast! Jetzt bin ich auch auf der Suche, sag mir bitte Bescheid, wenn Du vor mir fündig wirst! Hugh Jackman und Kimchi, hätte ich nie gedacht!
