do you own a deli? are you uninspired about what to offer the crowd for lunch? do you offer the same dreary whishy-washy sandwiches or greasy pasta gratins every day?
here is a hint: a lentil (but cooked until soft, not al dente!) salad with beetroots, radicchio, any other fresh and colorful thing that you have, coriander and a fine dressing.
veeeeery cheap ingredients. nooooo cooking involved. and the crowd will thaaaank you because they feel good after lunch. and they will come back. so offer some sort of this soon, be happy with the reactions and don't hesitate to consult me for further ideas.
I`m not a deli owner, but just arrived from work and hungry. This salat would be great.
your pancakes would be equally fine for me :)
ReplyDeleteherrlich! würde für solche tipps aber was nehmen ;)
ReplyDeleteherrlich! aber für solche tipps würde ich was nehmen ;)
ReplyDeleteI am not a deli owner either, but I have been enjoying this salad for two days now! Thank you, Su ☺
ReplyDeletemiss b., eher wird es so klappen: "bitte nehmt meine tipps, ich zahl euch was dafür." :)
ReplyDeleteruslana, thank you & my advent greetings!
ReplyDeleteeinen kleinen grünkohl in streifen schneiden, ca. 5 kartoffeln in würfel schneiden. 1 zwiebel kleinschneiden. alles in butterschmalz anschwitzen. mit brühe aufgießen und ca.30 min leise köcheln lassen. würzen ( bei uns mit viel kümmel)man kanns auch weicher kochen, anders gesagt verkochen. mit viel saurer sahne servieren.
Hilft dir das?
hört sich toll an, dankeschöööön! werd ich nach den feiertagen sofort nachmachen!
ReplyDeleteOMG this looks so delicious! i want this salad NOW, asap, pretty please? love your creativity and can't get enough of it, it's so inspiring.
ReplyDeletere. your sis' wedding: can't wait for more ideas! wow, and a wedding cake project...? sounds absolutely FAB!
It's usually your posts, that make me want to hurry into the kitchen or to possess something asap ;)