Avocado, Lime & Coconut Cheesecake with Matcha Tea for Easter
Easter would be a more suitable day to post this impeccable luscious cake but I rushed so that you get aware of it in time :)
It's been almost a year since my last cheesecake, so it's high time to continue the quest for the perfect cheesecake. Which thanks to Sybille, I think I have found.

I prefer recipes that ask for only a few ingredients but this cake is
the famous exception that proves the rule. Did you ever think that a New York style cheesecake without a topping is a tad dull in taste and "tastes too heavy"? If so, this cake could be the solution.
lime and coconut - we know that these combination works out anyway,
right? But also they bring flavor, freshness and a wonderful
easter-spring-pastel-green color in here.
my search for cheesecake recipes, I had already found out that the
unbaked ones are creamier so I bought into this recipe. Besides using ladyfingers instead of other dense cookies promised a lighter crust. I always have excess sourdough bread crumbs and used them as well which contributed to additional aroma in the crust.
a pretty finish I used matcha (like everybody does) and crushed
pistachio (like Sybille). I would have equally liked lime zests but had
no more.
Serve together with matcha tea and celebrate spring or easter!
Directions (you won't need any measuring for this cheesecake, I didn't need either):
For the crust: line the bottom of a cake mold with parchment paper.
Crush a package of ladyfingers together with dry old bread
crumbs in the food processor. Add melted butter and a little salt. Knead
all together and press into a cake mold. Let it rest in the fridge.
For the filling: mix the dairies of choice (I used one small package
mascarpone cheese, equal amount of curd, half the amount cream cheese
and yoghurt).
3 tbsp of coconut flakes with 3 tbsp sugar in a food processor until it becomes as fine
as flour (this step is crucial in order that no flakes disturb the creamy
texture of the filling).
Mix flesh of 2 avocados with the juice of 2 limes and add the grated zest of the limes.
Mix all together.
3. Heat a little amount of cream with agar-agar and mix well into the cream mixture.
4. Pour the filling into the cake mold and let the cake rest in the fridge for 6 hours.
Alles klar mit dem Kuchen, aber wieviel Kokos drin ist hätte ich schon gerne gewusst oder anders gefragt: Viel oder wenig?
ReplyDeleteIch hab' heute gar keinen Kuchen :(, hätte jetzt so gerne ein Stück!
Grüßle und schöne Ostern.
Alles nach Augenmaß, also ein paar gehäufte Esslöffel. Danke dir fürs aufstöbern! Kann verstehen, warum danach erst mal Ruhe ist mit der Sucherei :)
ReplyDeleteLiest sich nach einer Superkombination. Alles drin, was ich mag :)
ReplyDeleteSicherlich was für dich. Braucht nicht gebacken werden und deine Fastenzeit müsste auch vorbei sein, oder? :) Jedenfalls frohe Ostern!
ReplyDelete...und jetzt geh ich einkaufen, für volle 3 Tage :)
Wo hast du denn den Matchapulver?
ReplyDeleteIch habe in verschiedene Asia-Märkte den gesehen aber könnte nicht sicher sein ob sie gut sind.
Das war ein Reisemitbringsel aber wenn es auch zum Trinken sein soll, würde ich es im Teeladen kaufen (es gibt viele schöne zB Runge & Graf :))