Thursday, April 5, 2012

Bread Mania and Vegetable Spreads

I have gone further with serious bread baking: it has turned back to freestyle baking and still the results are getting more and more predicable. Will post a summary of my personal tips soon...

So far so good. Next to facing a little dilemma*, I am stumped about how to eat the massive amounts of bread. My eating habits have changed such that consuming butter or cheese day by day wouldn't satisfy anymore. So I am in search of all-vegetable-spreads.

(*Normally I love eating food more than preparing it but here it is the opposite: bread baking is so much fun while I don't like to eat it as much. It seems that bread alone cannot be a real meal for an Asian :) )

My first adviser was no surprise, Sybille-Anna: after decades of following a food journal she now writes one of the loveliest blogs herself and is my go-to person for cooking tips.
Sybille suggested jams with either red peppers, beetroots or parsnip - each one sounded great but encouraged by her guidelines, I started to experiment on my own.

At first place it was a beetroot-and-orange-spread which was disappointing. I think orange is almost never compatible with other flavors and it was no exception here. Don't ask me why I tried that out...

The pictured spreads are the results of my second trial:

  • parsnip, peas, lemon and cinnamon spread
  • beetroot, shallots and apple spread
  • toasted walnuts and pumpkin seed butter.
In theory (i.e. according to the flavor bible) the ingredients are all supposed to go well with each other but the result did not meet the criteria deep, savory and balanced.
Besides, the looks were so poor (the cinnamon screwed the faint green of the peas spread and turned it into the color of mungbean paste...), though in reality not as poor as in the pictures.

The parsnip paste is thus gladly dedicated to Heike, who never ever presents poor food pictures but incites such by others :).

I won't experiment with vegetable spreads on my own any time soon but will keep hunting for good recipes! :)

Meanwhile I can live on the combo beetroot-spread with a bought champagne-ginger-mustard and chives or ramsons on top.


  1. Uii, da hättest du mal lieber nicht auf mich gehört. :( :( Vielleich bin ich da auch kein guter Ratgeber. Ich hab schon ein Faible für etwas schräge Geschmacksrichtungen und wenns dann nicht schmeckt ess' ichs trotzdem auf.Von meinen "Gemüsemarmeladen" findet nur die Paprikamarmelade allgemeine Zustimmung, die anderen lösen eher Kopfschütteln aus.
    O-Ton: " warum soll ich mir Rote-Bete aufs Brot schmieren wenn ich Erdbeermarmelade haben kann"??

  2. Hihi, das hab ich mich am Ende auch gefragt aber jedenfalls bist du doch nicht schuld daran! Ich habe mich gefreut, dass da schon jemand außer mir dran gewerkelt hat. Dann fühlte es sich weniger waghalsig an. Nach einer Pause werd ich mich bestimmt wieder dran machen, zb an die Paprika :)
